Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tennis Playing Styles

There is the counter-puncher: the player who keeps balls in play with adequate pace bout does not over-power their opponent. They wait patiently for opportunities and win points by their attrition or by given opportunity. This is a cautious but opportunistic type of player. There is the retriever: a player who gets the ball back but doesn't supply much pace. They often add height to the ball with little spin. Other names for this player include, pusher, and moon-baller. Their lack of pace drives you crazy and if they are consistent and fast enough they can beat anyone, especially on clay or outside in the wind for their ball becomes a knuckleball that becomes difficult to time. Then there is the aggressive baseline, this player hammers the corners until he/she gets an opportunity and then hurts and finishes. The serve and volley specialist is someone who constantly rushes the net and puts quick pressure upon his/her opponent. Few players do this anymore but if done well it will blow people away.
  We all start off as counter punchers that develop our game styles based upon our speed, power, and natural talents. Game styles choose you rather then you selecting your game style. Success in competition with play selection develop the ultimate player. Develop a solid all-around game first and then specialize as needed to win your matches.

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