Sunday, March 28, 2010

Winning Doubles

The key to winning doubles is holding your serve; if your team holds without breaking then you are in a tie-breaker situation. How can I improve my holding skills? WORK
ON YOUR SERVE: placements, depth, spins, and speed; after that back it up with volleys and overheads like a backboard.

Book a court, even for a half hour and hit serves cross court to your partner. They hit back cross court using only the diagonal doubles courts for play (so you don't cover the whole court). This isolates the serve, return, volleys overheads, passing shots and lobs. Hey this is doubles with two people (one one doubles). Keep score if you want just like real tennis switching sides after each point. Or you can have your partner serve to a certain spot so you can work your return out. OR you can say down the "t" to the receiver so they know whats coming--you get a tougher volley coming in.

Holding serve is the first priorty to winning doulbes. Control what you can do--well! That's the first step to winning doubes!

Coach "K"