I just got back from Praha and London and discovered this training regime in London's Daily telegraph. I'll get to that a little later. First, I've had many people, particularly parents of juniors and juniors ask me: what can I do to get in shape for tennis? Hey, I've read Nick's training guide and asked him for tickets to Wimbledon but both of those things just didn't fit for me plus I hate the gym and counting reps. I get bored counting sheep. One common thread I've found in training is that you need to push yourself anaerobically (kind of like needing air when you swim under water) for tennis and you must have stamina (strength over time). Nick would say that you must have priorities in regard to playing competitive tennis: first, learn the fundamentals of solid technique and strategy (by the way, we do that extremely well at KPSOT)), two, then work strength and flexibility (one without the other is a real problem--I could write a chapter on that alone), third, is speed and four, is endurance and stamina. Interesting, isn't it?
Hey Kev, that all sounds great, but I just don't have time for all that. What's the shortest route to get better playing this game without quitting my day job?
O.K., truth be told.............play at least two competitive matches per week or competitive drill games with other players two times per week. I've been playing Joe just about every day and my game is getting better and I know we both are improving...........we try new shots out, joke around a little till it gets near the end of the set and then its gets a little more serious. Here it is, the gem of the blog:
Give yourself fourteen days for this program...........start today! I mean it!
You'll look great at the beach too!
Day 1
Shuttle runs and jog warm-up for ten minutes......or kick a soccer ball around....run and shoot baskets.....whatever.....make it fun and gamy....I hate just running....... after that
Super Set 1
we hit the floor......sorry, got to work the core..........without a good one, you can forget about a 100mph serve......it'll never happen.
Lie down on your back, arms down and feet down, then lift your feet (together) about two feet off the ground and "draw" the letters of the alphabet in the air with your toes......ouch. Make it Russian if you get bored.......
Then 15 reps of the Cobra......... That's when you lie down, face down and have your arms out a little pointing ahead of you...........and then lift your arms and legs up a little at the same time! That feels a little strange.........great for the back! Another name for this is the superman..........because your flying just like superman.......substitute any super hero you feel comfortable to model....my dog Cassi likes wonder dog the best.
rest 30 seconds...........it will be the quickest 30 of your life!
then do....
Super Set Two
15 reverse crunches........
Lie down on your back......hands down.......lift legs a little off the floor (six inches....they can be a little bent) we're going to hit the lower abs.....lift legs together straight up and hold.......slowly let down to the start and hold........
Now assume the plank position for 30 seconds.................geeees, that seems a little long.......I know that's why it's so good for you.
The plank is simply facing down, balancing on your forearms and toes while keeping your body straight.........if that's too tough.......use your knees......or a mixture of both......with all this stuff.....modify.....you will get better.....also, if your unsure....google the exercise to see what it looks like or ask someone (like me) and you'll find out....and you won't have to pay $65 to have someone hold your hand while you exercise and shout...."you can do it"
rest 30 seconds..............I know, I'm really starting to get you annoyed.
hey that's about what you get between points in tennis........right! Your opponent is going to get you annoyed......so get use to it.
Super Set Three
Perform two sets of Oblique Ball Crunches........ten per side
If you don't have one of those balls then, think of this as doing sit-ups, a little tilted on your side.........gees, those hurt.............no kidding.....these are my personal least favorite.......They just don't go down like a nice cold Coca Cola.
So you can do these without the ball.......but use a ball if you can.
Then do 15 medicine ball twists.
Lie on your back.....knees a little bent and feet flat on the floor....hold the ball behind your head.......hey use a bag of dog food if you don't own one....but be careful about your dog when using the dog food.......Cassi tries to participate.....and that makes me laugh so hard I have to blow off this ridiculously hard exercise..........hold the ball or weight above your head and bring yourself into a sit-up slow, controlled move, and rotate your upper body slightly to touch the outside of your left hip with the weight or ball then go back to center start slowly and repeat to the right side......alternate each side till you hit 30 (fifteen each side) or pass out.
That's day one.......day two is next.....come back and see!
Good job.......you can it......your core thanks you......
30 minutes....................done........now play some tennis!
Your pro in the trenches,
Kevin Pease
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