Wednesday, January 16, 2008

High Forehand Volley

Hey folks, lets get one thing straight, change your grip to the continental for the volley. This means for anything high or low fast or slow. Take the racquet back high above the strike zone with the racquet tilted back a little bit. You should then reach forward with a declining motion -- just like the lifesaving dive (the one where you don't go under water with your head) as you step into the ball with your left foot (for right handers). Keep your wrist firm without slapping the ball. This will produce a solid backspin which will stay low and it will be tough for your opponent to dig out. "Fed" does this shot perhaps as good as Edberg and Sampras. It's a real point ender, one way or another. Live long and prosper! Sign up for a lesson if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Your pro in the trenches,

Kevin Pease

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